Trees Produce Oxygen Air,Fact or Myth?

Actually, it's a fact that trees produce Oxygen Air.We breathe in oxygen air.We need this air  to support burning of food materials in our blood,so as to produce energy.

We need for each activity we do.

Globally, there are about 3.04 trillion trees,basing on a recent study published on Geography Information System (GIS).This means that there are roughly 422 trees for every person on earth.

Having high rate of deforestation and at the same time a large number of tree planting programs the number of trees will stabilize over the coming years.

According to Scientific Research,Oxygen Air is largely manufactured by plants.The photosynthesis process takes place in plants.Plants synthesize sunlight energy with water and carbon dioxide air to produce sugar in form of starch and glucose.

Facts about trees.

  • Well- cared trees and shrubs can add value to a land and property.
  • Trees can reduce air conditioning needs by 30%
  • A grown tree can remove 70 times pollution.
  • The shade and wind buffering provided by trees reduces annual heating and cooling costs.
  • Every tree gives environmental benefits, including energy conservation,soil covering against erosion and reduced pollution.
  • A single tree produces about 260 pounds of oxygen per year.
  • A single tree is able to take in as much carbon in a year as a car produces while driving 26,000 miles.
  • In  the course of its life, a single tree is able to absorb one ton of carbon dioxide.
  • Trees regulate rain cycle.An area in a place with high number of trees experience higher rainfall than that areas of lower number of trees.

Therefore,plant more trees.Trees promote healthy and happy life.Planting trees saves life.Walking in a field of trees reduces stress.


Hi, I am a Linguist and a Teacher, passionately interested in imagination. Considering how it transforms ideas and thoughts into visual narratives and creativity is incredibly fascinating. When I’m not working my mind runs wild with ideas which inspire me to research and write about imagination. My imagination is inspired by nature and largely by human daily life undertakings. Imagination is the creative faculty of the human mind from which knowledge starts and develops. Also, imagination is highly related to disciplines such as philosophy, arts, science and psychology, poetry and literature, as well as linguistics. Not only these disciplines are related to imagination but also they shape imagination in many ways. Imagination is one of the earliest human abilities which largely influences innovations. Furthermore, the higher order of imagination plays an epistemic role where scientific thinking takes the process of analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information. Let's delve into imagination in seconds right here at imagindi, thanks!

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