Man evolved from apes,A fact or a myth.

Observing apes in the wild such as Chimpanzees,Bonobos, Orangutans, and Gorillas,there is no doubt that,at a large extent they resemble humans in many ways.

Ape-like human

Also we share with them traits which make us humans.From their communal living style to using tools,handshaking and body morphological likeness to human and emotional expression is more humanlike when compared to other animals.

Nevertheless, According to The National Geographical Channel,Scientific study shows that,we share 96  percent of genes likeness with higher apes especially the Chimpanzees.There are no other animal species very closely related to human like these great apes.With them we are a family of great apes.

Humans and chimpazees evolved from a common ancestor, and scientists believe that,they diverged some six million years ago.

In addition, traits such as walking on two limbs(bipedalism),A call of greetings, and pating each other are human like behaviors.These behaviors are mostly part of apes life.

According to human evolution theory,we can agree on the basic evolutionary argument that humans are part of the family of great apes.They both share a common ancestor.Humans evolved from an ancestor who was more ape like and more primitive than humanlike ancestor.

Find out more on how great apes share common behavior of expressing emotions with their human cousins:

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